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OED Recovery Coaching Academy

Successfully create, build & launch your ED Coaching Business

If ANY of these are true, OED Academy is for YOU


You are working with your dream clients, having an impact in the recovery world, making great money and you have a rich LIFE outside of your work. You built a successful ED practice, achieved your financial goals and feel at peace with your work life balance. The program you've created is truly making a difference, helping those who are struggling with disordered eating & eating disorders

Why Eating Disorder Coaching?

OED's mission has always been to help as many people as possible suffering with eating disorders. The current approach to ED treatment falls short in helping people. On one end of treatment is inpatient or residential which is a highly controlled and unrealistic environment that makes the transition home increasingly difficult. On the other end of treatment, a client attends an appointment for one hour per week. This hardly helps move the needle for someone who is experiencing ED thoughts 15+ hours per day. Coaching bridges the gap between the two where we work alongside therapists and RDs offering 2/47 accountability and support in between sessions. Coaching also focuses on co-creating a recovery action plan to freedom - it is focused on the present and the future not looking back at WHY a client has the eating disorder.

At OED, we have been fortunate that our Food Peace program has helped hundreds recover but this hardly makes a dent in the tens of millions who are struggling. To fulfill OED's mission we need more ED coaches. ED Recovery Coaches satisfy a glaring gap in treatment. Coaches can create signature programs that offer their clients 24/7 accountability, meal support or other modalities such as meditation, yoga or NLP.

Inside OED Academy, ED coaches will be trained across two major pillars:

How to become an outstanding coach

You'll learn the most effective coaching principles and how to co-create a recovery action plan with your clients that takes them from where they are now to where they want to go. You will confidently guide your clients from the pain and suffering of the eating disorder to peace. Additionally, you'll be able to easily navigate working with your clients' therapists, RDs and docs.

How to create a business

You can be the most effective coach on the planet, but if you can find clients to coach, you aren't serving people with EDs. Inside OED academy, you'll learn a simple 3-step framework to create, build and launch your program. Lindsay covers everything from finance and marketing to sales and insurance. She simplifies creating a coaching business and pulls from her MBA, her experience as CEO with Gary Vaynerchuk and her other business trainings.

OED Academy: What's Included

Join a powerful community of prospective ED Coaches next month

5 Months - weekly Live OED Academy calls

Connect weekly with your cohort in an intimate community over Zoom. Move through a structured program as you create, launch and scale your practice

Get access to our proven approach

Get trained in the OED method that our team uses to coach clients, including access to ALL videos, workbooks and homework assignments. The OED method works

Homework + Mock Coaching Calls

Homework includes workbooks and other tools that help you create your signature program. You'll conduct mock coaching calls with members of your cohort

Members only chat

Receive encouragement, in-the-moment support and immediate answers to your questions via our private chat

1:1 coaching call

You will have one private coaching session with Lindsay during OED Academy

Expert Panel Sessions

Benefit from experts coming in to talk everything from mastering social media to effective approaches for specific eating disorders

OED Academy Testimonials

Read what OED graduates have to say about OED Academy

Imagine waking up & feeling confident about the work you're doing

Picture this: you know exactly what to work on everyday to grow your practice AND you're excited to do it. You have a business plan, a roadmap and a clear vision to your future. You get to do the work you love and you are confident you're making an impact

OED Academy Founder

Lindsay Ronga

For the past eight years, I’ve built OutshiningED. My mission is the same today as it was when I started – help as many people with eating disorders find freedom.

I have my MBA from Harvard Business School and was hired by Gary Vaynerchuk post-MBA to be CEO of one of his companies in NYC. Not only did I learn how to build and operate a business, but I also learned invaluable business mindset lessons from Gary himself.

Before I started OutshiningED, I doubted myself for a full year. I told myself:


  • “a 9 to 5 job is way safer”
  • “we can’t afford this”
  • “what if I fail”
  • “I’ll be embarrassed saying that I’m an eating disorder coach”
  • “what if I’m not good at coaching and can’t really serve others”

I entertained those doubts for far too long until I realized I was having these thoughts because this was placed on my heart by something bigger than me. Yes, my MBA, my experience running other businesses and my coach were instrumental in me building and scaling OED. But I wouldn’t have taken the leap without consistent prayer, struggle and faith.

Now, I get to do what I love! OutshiningED has helped hundreds of women find freedom with our proven OED method and I’ve hired and trained eight coaches in administering the OED method. While my mission at OED is the same, I realized that me coaching clients 1:1 wasn’t scaling. I want to help millions of people struggling with EDs and I accomplish that when YOU successfully build your own ED practice.

If you’re wondering if you can make a living doing what you love, the answer is yes. I LOVE getting to choose when I work and who I work with. Time is precious to me and I reserve so much of it for my family – my three children, my husband and our sweet pup Coco. I’ve also managed to bring FUN and JOY into my life through time with friends, tennis, reading and coaching my kids’ sports teams.

Our 3-Step Process For Succeeding as an ED Coach


This part is so fun! You'll decide WHO you want to serve, WHAT you'll offer and the OUTCOME clients will experience


You have clarity and a system now to build your signature program that is designed to move your clients from struggle to peace


You have confidence in your offering, your skills as a coach & it's time to let people know! Get our step-by-step guide on how to launch your offering