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Food Peace

Trapped in the habitual cycle of binging, purging, or restriction?

Find permanent freedom with OED Food Peace

Success Stories

Eating Disorder Recovery & Food Coaching

Move further, faster with an eating disorder recovery coach. If you feel stuck, have tried "all the things" and feel like you have to live this way forever, you are an excellent candidate for coaching. Coaching is for those who want to become a better version of themselves, have more energy and nourish their mind and body in a positive way. Finally say goodbye to disordered eating, exhaustion and the darkness that goes with it.

If you haven’t found quality eating disorder help... are not alone.

That’s exactly why this coaching program, OED Food Peace, was created. Choose the eating disorder you are struggling with for a coaching program designed specifically for you.

Anorexia Coaching

If you find yourself obsessing over calories, weight loss, intake and other food rituals, coaching can help simplify recovery.

Bulimia Coaching

If you’re feeling trapped in a binge-purge cycle and drained by how exhausting it’s become, an eating disorder recovery coach can help you break free from this habit for good.

Binge Eating Coaching

If you feel like you can’t trust yourself around food or feel you are addicted to food and experience guilt and shame, an ED Coach can guide you to total freedom with zero binging.

Emotional Eating Coaching

If you find yourself constantly reaching for food during times of stress or to numb unwanted emotions like boredom, work with a coach to break the cycle and introduce new, positive habits.

Digital Coaching

If you're seeking eating disorder support but are limited by time or budget, explore online coaching as an accessible and effective option for recovery.

ED Coaching Training

Have you recovered from an eating disorder and feel inspired to help others on their recovery journey? Join OED Academy and become a certified ED recovery coach.

Get ED Help

Move further faster with the support of an eating disorder recovery coach. In OED Food Peace, you’ll heal your relationship with food and eat with ease. This program is not for everyone—it's for those who are ready to leave their eating disorder behind but don’t know how to get there.

Book a free intro call today ($275 value)

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to eating disorder recovery. If there were, you wouldn’t be here right now. That’s actually great news! There are many ways to develop a healthy, loving relationship with food and your body. Your ED recovery coach will help you discover the path that works for you.

Diets aren’t the answer—they’re restrictive, unsustainable, and often lead to more binging. What you need is a personalized plan that taps into your own strengths and motivation.

Are you ready to break free from the cycle of disordered eating and experience true food freedom? Apply now for a free discovery call ($275 value) with Lindsay, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, to learn more about OED Food Peace and how ED coaching can help you heal.