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Lindsay facilitates a donation based eating disorder support group in northwest Austin, TX. Anyone struggling with disordered eating is welcome to come!


This eating disorder support group focuses on where you are today and where you want to go. We won’t analyze your past or WHY you have the eating disorder.


In group, we walk through the steps to create lasting change. And, together we will build a custom recovery plan to go further, faster in recovery.


You will leave the group with one tangible action you can act on right away. Our goal is for you to make meaningful progress towards recovery.


For more information on the group, check out Lindsay’s latest blog post on how she started the group.


The support group is donation based. Apply below and email for location details.


Finally, join our closed Facebook group for important updates.


UPDATE: we are no longer meeting in person due to COVID. We ARE meeting weekly virtually and it is even more intimate than I could have imagined. Please join us and get the details here.