Hello, my name is Heidi! I want you to know that you are not broken, you are not too old, it’s not too late and you CAN find freedom, peace and joy! I wholeheartedly believe that with a little work, a lot of heart and the right approach recovery is possible for everyone.
I live in Saskatchewan, Canada with my husband, two precious little girls, and pitbull pup, Emmy. After struggling with an eating disorder for 20 years and attempting recovery through many forms of therapy, several treatment centers and hospitalizations, I went through the OutshiningED coaching program with Liv as my coach, and it truly changed my life forever. I felt heard, understood and supported, and I was given tangible tools to change my thoughts and beliefs, which led to changes in my behaviors. I was able to take ownership of my life and create my individual unique path to freedom.
You are absolutely capable of creating your unique path to freedom. I can’t wait to meet you and cheer you on as you create the life of freedom and vitality that you deserve. If you’re ready to say yes to recovery, I’d love to schedule a free intro call with you here.