Hi. I’m Lindsay, Founder of OutshiningED. I’m an Eating Disorder & Food Freedom Coach, Harvard MBA, Yoga Instructor, and NEDA & TED Speaker.
I coach, guide and empower others to heal their relationship with food and their body. Through my coaching, I work with those who are ready to let go of food rules, dieting, binging, and stress and emotional eating. Learn more here.
For years, I struggled with dieting, stress eating and negative body image. I wasn’t comfortable being ME and felt safer hiding behind my achievements. All the pretending and dieting behaviors culminated in a severe eating disorder. I didn’t love myself or believe in myself despite my professional success.
With the guidance of mentors and coaches, I found an empowered and spiritual version of myself. I learned to have confidence, accept my body, shatter limiting beliefs, and live in alignment with my core values.
Creating my own recovery path was KEY to finding lasting freedom. I made immediate progress and kept going until I found a loving and peaceful relationship with food and my body. As an eating disorder coach, I live in alignment with my purpose of helping others live free from food rules and accepting their body. All of the coaches you see on the “About” page have been trained by me personally. I am highly selective in WHO I hire and I believe so passionately in each coach on this team. Not only did the majority of them use this coaching program to achieve freedom from their eating disorder, but they have also channeled their pain into a purpose and are using their success to help someone like you. I live in Austin, TX; I am a wife and mom to three children.