To The Bone – Eating Disorder Film

To the Bone, Eating Disorder Movie

The majority of people haven’t yet seen this eating disorder movie, To The Bone, which highlights anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders. Opinions are strong and people haven’t seen it yet.


Could it be triggering to those with eating disorders? YES.


Also, people with eating disorders are triggered every damn day. Some triggers are blatantly put in their path (i.e. media, billboards) without consent. Is it fair? Nope. Reality? Yes.


Everyone has a CHOICE whether or not to watch this film. Since everyone is quick to share their opinion, here’s mine.


Is this eating disorder film good or bad for eating disorders?


I don’t know if this movie is a good thing or a bad thing. WHY? Because I haven’t seen it yet.


I read one article that said the eating disorder film serves as a how-to manual for people with eating disorders and those who are genetically predisposed. Let’s be real here.


If someone with an eating disorder wants a how-to manual, then sadly there is an endless amount of info online. As far as someone who is genetically predisposed? Really? I mean, really. We all know that talk of eating disorders and eating disorder awareness does not magically result in a person seeking and then acquiring an eating disorder.


This same article, written by an ED Therapist, was concerned of Lily Collins weight loss. Again, it’s no one’s business. No one knows how she did it or what was going on in her head.


The therapist says that someone with “a history of anorexia” cannot possibly lose weight in a “healthy way”. That concludes that someone who recovers from an eating disorder is never fully recovered. We know this is false.

Full recovery


Millions of people have recovered from eating disorders. They have no eating disorder thoughts or behaviors. They shouldn’t be scared they will meet the eating disorder along the way should they choose to give up meat or gluten. No way. No how.


I have talked to many eating disorder survivors who choose to be on a specific diet for a period of time, then fall off that wagon, just like the rest of the non-eating disorder population.


So, I ask you to reserve your judgements. I mean, as someone who has struggled with an ED, I hated when people judged me by the way I looked. Oh, she doesn’t look like she has an eating disorder? She looks healthy. STOP, just STOP.


Give the film, To The Bone, a chance. Don’t watch the eating disorder movie if you think it may be triggering. I am eagerly awaiting the release, hoping it depicts all types of eating disorders, and will likely post a follow up article.



I am disappointed with the eating disorder film. Overall, it actually just wasn’t a great film. The storyline was lacking and the characters weren’t as developed as I would have liked.


While it had some truths around eating disorders, I’m not sure it did the job of raising awareness or engaging an audience. Eating disorders need a better spokespeople who aren’t white, thin and able bodied.

Affirmations for Recovery

Girl thinking about her eating disorder affirmations for recovery

Are affirmations for recovery a bunch of BS?



Early on, I didn’t take AFFIRMATIONS or mantras for recovery seriously. One reason is that inpatient treatment taught it as “fake it until you make it.” And I hated that!



The eating disorder was telling me lies and that an eating disorder mantra could never work.



Later, when I created my own recovery plan, I said affirmations with the intention of what I knew could be possible and true.



Saying these truths over and over again sent a clear message to my brain that recovery was important. Soon the affirmations didn’t feel far fetched. They actually felt possible.



What messages are you sending to your brain?



For example, if you’ve been pregnant, you notice pregnant people ALL OVER THE PLACE. Or if you ever thought of buying a Silver 4 Runner and suddenly that’s all you see on the road?


Car RAS Mantras for recovery


That’s our reticular activating system (RAS). It knows that information is important to you, and looks for messages in the world to validate what you’re already thinking and believe to be true!



Science tells us that the RAS is effective. This is good news! If you send these affirmations for recovery to your brain, you will see a total shift. You must say them often! Read them, write them, shout them!






Choose one or two affirmations that resonate with you. Next, print it out or write it out yourself on index cards or stationary. Writing actually helps you retain the information better! Finally, decide where to put them.






Put them any place you visit often! You want to see them daily. For example, put the affirmations for recovery on your bathroom mirror or next to your bed. In your car.



And then, SAY them aloud. LOUDLY. Sing them, recite them in your head, daily.



Where do you recite them? Anywhere and everywhere!


  • In the shower

  • In front of the mirror

  • While you’re driving

  • While you’re eating

  • Before you’re going to bed or as you’re praying





This is important. I don’t believe in the power of positive thinking or fake it til you make it.



However, I do believe that what you consume in the way of media, relationships, or your environment matters. It’s impossible for you to read these affirmations everyday and it not impact you and your recovery.



As you say these over and over again, you will eventually believe them. After all, you are retraining your beliefs. Beliefs turn into convictions which cause you to take action.



After you’ve mastered one affirmation for recovery, try another mantra.  Want 20 FREE printable mantras for recovery? I’ve got ya! Click here for those.



I love myself deeply and completely.

I matter and what I have to offer this world matters.

I’m in charge of my life.

I belong and I am good enough.

I can make good choices that serve me.

I’m open to all possibilities.

I know who I am.

I am beautiful.

I’m desirable.

I let go of everything that no longer serves me.

I choose to be positive about my future.

Today I choose recovery.

I am lovable.

I follow my heart and listen to my instincts.

I’m complete just the way I am.

I will believe in myself.

I’m a child of God.