Body Comparison: 5 Tips On How To Stop Comparing Your Body To Others

Shoes Are Unique Just like you Not Body Comparison

Comparing your body to others


Do you find yourself comparing your body to others or to a version of your younger self? Learning how to stop comparing your body to others is part of recovery.


We compare in areas of life where we are the most insecure.


To be clear, YOU are not comparing your body to others. The eating disorder is. If you want to learn how to stop comparing your body to others, the first step is to be aware of when it’s happening.


The eating disorder looks for examples of ways you are not good enough and body comparison fits the ticket.


YOUR job is to minimize those body comparison opportunities and know how to respond when you do find yourself comparing your body to others.


Comparison isn’t always bad.


Social comparison theory suggests we use comparison to determine our opinions and abilities. The trouble is when body comparison is used to determine self-worth.


Below are five tips on how to stop comparing your body to others.


#1 Filter your feed


You’ve likely heard this before, but have you done it?


If you find yourself body comparing often, there’s an easy fix. Filter out those who make you feel more insecure.


The best way to do this is to NOTICE how you feel after viewing someone’s picture or caption on social media.


Do you feel inspired? Great, continue to follow her or him.


Do you feel lousy? Okay, listen to that feeling and either MUTE them or UNFOLLOW them.


Also, when you unfollow someone, remember that it is about YOU. It’s not about them.


Selfie Sally could be the most lovely person on the planet and maybe one day you’ll be inspired by her content.


But for right now, you want to stop comparing your body to others. So, Selfie Sally is not serving you. Don’t over think it. Click unfollow or mute.


#2 Detach yourself from the body


When we compare our bodies to others, we give the body itself power. Not the person.


We assume that a certain sized body will lead to happiness, peace or sailing around Italy. When the reality that we have no idea what’s going on in someone’s life. You can not determine how happy someone is by their body.


boat sailing around italy no body comparison


When you value your body, you allow it to dictate how you feel. Poor body image today? Have a bad day. Good body image? Be in a good mood throughout the day.


Listen to me here. Do not give your body this much power. Your body – something that is guaranteed to change – does not get to determine who you are and how you live your life. So go book that trip to Italy!


The body is temporary. It houses our soul, our spirit, our being.


Just like a car takes us from one place to another, the body is transportation for our essence. Detach yourself from the body in the same way you would a belonging.


Like a car, your body will change with the seasons. It will grow, and at times be softer, it will get sick sometimes and require a tuneup.


You do not revolve your life around your car. Do not revolve your life around your body.


#3 Appreciate your body for what it can do


Notice I said appreciate and not LOVE your body.


Self love often gets confused for body love. Instagram models talk about how they love their cellulite or stretch marks. Good for you to embrace it!


However, loving your body to the extreme or not at all can be dangerous. You are attaching your identity to your body in either scenario.


Loving WHO you are is what you strive for. Because, again, the body carries YOU. Love the people inside the car, not the car.


Instead of focusing on loving all areas of your body, focus on accepting your body for what it can do.


Make a list of everything your body allows you to do. What a gift!


List of How to stop comparing your body to others


Once you see your body as temporary and as a blessing, you find ways to appreciate it.


My body allowed me to go on a bike ride with my daughter over the weekend. What can your body do that you love?


#4 Use comparison for good


Comparison can inspire, motivate and drive us to action. It can help us course correct.


I compare to other entrepreneurs who are further along than me. Instead of letting the comparison break me down, I use it to see what’s possible. I’m inspired and know that I can go further.


What if you allowed those who have found freedom to inspire you? To motivate you?


Body comparison is not ever going to serve you. There are so many different body types and it makes no sense to compare when it’s just not possible.


I unfollowed Kim Kardashian – not because I don’t like her or think she’s a bad person. But because I found myself wishing I had a bigger behind!


Also, the promotion of tummy teas was making feel angry. That mental energy was not worth my time. I want to spend my energy in other areas.


Every second you spend thinking about someone else and her body is time away from learning to love and accept yourself. It’s time away from living your life. Time away from achieving your dreams. It’s time away from recovery.


#5 Focus on recovery


As you recover, become more secure with yourself, and put less value on body size you will inevitably stop comparing your body to others.


Body comparison, whether it’s with yourself or with others, really does go away as you heal your relationship with food and yourself.


Don’t get me wrong, I still compare in other areas that aren’t entirely helpful. For example, I see other moms killing it and wonder if I’ll ever be as good as them. I see other entrepreneurs further along and question if I’ll get there.


In those moments, I become hyper aware and ask myself: do I need to unfollow this person or can I allow them to inspire me?

Top 3 Eating Disorder Lies And What To Do About Them

Eating Disorder Lies Truth Sign

The eating disorder lies and the ED voice is LOUD and STRONG. When you hear this voice, you don’t question it. Eating disorder lies are sneaky and trick you into thinking YOU created these thoughts. The truth is that ED lies are unoriginal and easy to recognize.


If you’ve heard one of these ED lies, you’re not alone. You may have even thought one of these lies was a truth; the eating disorder voice can be powerful and convincing. It’s time to call these lies out and recognize them for what they are.


Top 3 Eating Disorder Lies


Lie #1: “It’s not that bad.”


LIE: I’m not super underweight or overweight. I’m going to school or working part-time. I only having behaviors x times per week and I manage just fine.


TRUTH: If you have an eating disorder, it IS that bad. The disorder is stealing love and connection from your life. It’s stealing your relationships. Your potential and your dreams. Most of all, it is consuming your thoughts and changing your relationship with your body and food and exercise.


Life was not designed so that we overthink every aspect of our lives and live in our heads. Life was designed to be LIVED. Don’t let eating disorder lies tell you otherwise.


Lie #2: “Now is not a good time.”


Eating Disorder Lies - not a good time, not enough money


LIE: I have a paper due in a month. We’re moving soon, so maybe after that I’ll find a treatment team. I’m taking a vacation soon so it doesn’t really make sense to start recovery now. The eating disorder will stop after I get into grad school. I’ll wait until I change jobs. After I get married. I can’t afford it.


TRUTH: ED has packaged this lie up in a pretty package with lots of bows. Inside is a big LIE. Every minute you put off recovery, ED wins. ED convinces us that now isn’t a good time because it allows the eating disorder to tighten its grip.


There will always be SOMETHING. Some excuse to put recovery off. ED will make sure of it. The truth is that you can’t afford NOT to recover now.


Lie #3: “Recovery isn’t possible.”


LIE: I’ll always have the eating disorder so why should I even try? I’m in control with the eating disorder and without it I won’t be accepted. I’d rather stay with the eating disorder because I don’t want to fail. It’s easier to just go to appointments every week and manage the disorder. I am too scared of what I’ll look like without the eating disorder.


TRUTH: Recovery is possible. FREEDOM is possible. I understand why you don’t believe it; you haven’t experienced it yet. Even though you haven’t seen it, could it still be possible?


Have you seen others find freedom? If there’s an ounce of you that believes it’s possible for others, then it IS possible for you too. Of course it’s scary to feel fear around who you’ll be without ED and to feel fear around failing.


Fear is a good thing. FEAR is a sign we need to move towards what we are scared of. Move into it and don’t believe these ED lies.


Eating disorder lies are unoriginal


Keep going. Keep fighting. Recognize these eating disorder lies and give them the finger. Everyone with an eating disorder hears these lies. ED is not original; ED is boring and spouts the same lies over and over. You’re smarter and braver than ED. Show ED who YOU are.


Our thoughts create our reality. At the least, we need to recognize them and the ED lies. At the most, we need to shift or stop them.


I love this piece on how we can have control over our thoughts and the power that can have.


How to overcome ED lies in Digital Coaching Program


As you start to recognize the eating disorder lies, do the opposite. The eating disorder’s voice will get weaker. YOURS will get stronger.