Struggle with food and your body? For years, I tried to white knuckle my way through recovery. I forced myself to do things I was supposed to. It was miserable.
Everyday I tried to rely on willpower alone to stop having behaviors. Spoiler! It didn’t work.
Much more effective is pull motivation. This means you have something greater pulling you through recovery. No white knuckling. No force.
In this case, you actually enjoy the things you do everyday. And you can see your progress towards freedom.
These are the THREE things I did in recovery to curb my struggle with food. I still do many of them today, years after I found freedom!
3 Things To Reduce Your Food Struggle
1) Start a gratitude practice
Start small here. Everyday write down five things you are grateful for. THAT’S IT! They should be little gratitudes. Like your cup of coffee or the weather. This trains your brain to seek blessings throughout your day.
The eating disorder wants you to take a disordered view of the world. ED wants you to believe that the world is against you. With a gratitude practice, you shift the lens you see the world through.
You start to see people supporting you and loving you. You’ll see the many blessings in your life. Finally, you might start to see all the ways you are already good enough.
I ask client to text me their 5 gratitudes everyday. You can text them to a friend, write them in a journal or email them to yourself! As long as you get them from your head to paper or a device!
2) Have a bedtime routine
Sleep is the most important factor in finding freedom from the eating disorder. Without it, you can’t think clearly and you make decisions when you’re less than 100%.
When you have a good night’s sleep, your hunger cues are more pronounced and accurate. This helps reduce your struggle with food. Additionally, your mood is more stable. I’m sure I don’t need to convince you of this! But the question is then – how do I sleep better?
There’s so much information on this. But mostly you need a bedtime routine. Similar to that of a child.
My bedtime routine is: two hours before bed, I put on my blue light glasses. I dim the lights in the house. Next, I make myself some sleepy time tea. I read a book or try to do something off of a screen (I definitely don’t avoid screens every night, but I try!).
Then I say a prayer with my husband, take a bath, get into my jammies and get ready for bed.
Finally, I listen to the Calm App as it tells me a bedtime story. There’s no wrong here, just try to stay consistent with whatever you choose!
3) Seek Connection
The eating disorder wants to isolate, to be alone. Freedom requires that you step out of the secrecy. Everyday, find a way to connect with someone.
It could be as simple as texting or a phone call. Better yet, is to have plans with someone you care about. A phone date, a walk, or grab coffee. You don’t necessarily have to talk about the eating disorder!
Just getting out of the house and in the company of others is a great first step!
I’m trying to put out more consistent content for you. Part of why I started OutshiningED is to bring you tremendous value. If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover, please reach out and tell me here!
Also, did you know I have a free guide on how to stop binge and emotional eating? If you struggle with food, make sure you grab that here!